

这篇文章有 49 个评论

  1. Rodrigo

    Hi! we are having some difficulties to use the “custom soil by curve”. Is there a particular way of how the inputs need to be used? let’s say, we have:
    P= [0 10 22 30 44] kN/m
    y = [0 5 10 15 20] mm

    how this values shall be introduced to the “Costom soil by curve” input table?

    Many thanks!

    1. Yong

      Hi Rodrigo, you can enter 0, 10, 22, 30, 44 for P0 and 0, 10, 22, 30, 44 for P1 and 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 for y. You can also enter different curves for P0 and P1. The curves used for calculation will be linearly interpolated between P0 and P1.
