i added atterberh limits to try it
then I deleted the results but I keep getting this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 449, in < module»
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType and 'NoneType'
Hi Alwahsh, did you use menu Log->Validate Data or F3? If you still have the error message, you can send the data to me and I will take a look for you.
If you have empty rows, please delete them. Generally those NoneType errors are from missing data.
This is really great work, I have had SoilStats installed having had a quick look around, I’m sure this will be really useful for my work. However, recently, after several re-installs, the programme will not open. No error messages, it just does not open. All advice appreciated.
Hi Jon, do you use the latest version? If you still have this issue with the latest version, we can schedule a quick video call to figure out what’s going on if you don’t mind.
Indeed, if I download SOILSTATS .zip or the installer currently available on the website, and install the programme (after removing any previous versions) the shortcut on the desktop appears, but when I click it, I get a small load wheel, then nothing. A video call would be great if possible.
I tried installing SoilStats on both an old Surface 1 Tablet and a PC.
1. Surface 1: When I unzip the portable version I receive an error on 4 files. When I double-click on the SoilStats.exe file, I can see it tries to load in the task manager, but won’t open.
Unsupported compression method
2. Surface 1: When I install it from the installer, it installs, but I get the same results of it not opening.
3. PC: I get the same 4 errors when I unzip the portable version, but it runs when I double-click on the exe file.
4. PC: When I install it from the installer, it installs and it runs with no problems so far.
Do you have any idea why it won’t run on the Surface tablet? Could it be the old Intel graphics card that is onboard?
Hi John, if you unzip the downloaded files with 7zip, there should not be errors. Those errors won’t affect the program though.
SoilStats cannot run on Surface 1 because it was compiled for Windows 10/11 with Intel x64 CPU but your surface 1 most probably runs on Windows RT with an ARM CPU.
It must be some other reason. The Surface Pro 1 is running Windows 10 Pro (Version 22H2) 64 bit and has an
Intel Core-i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz w/ 4.00 GB RAM x64 based PC
Your other programs run without any problems.
Interesting. There should be no problem with intel graphics card. Can you run BSTunnelLining and show 3D model on your Surface?
John September 22, 2024
That’s the one I didn’t install. When I used the installer, it installed without any problems. When I started the program, it did the same thing as the SoilStats except it only appeared in the Background processes section of Task Manager and then disappeared. When I get some time tomorrow, I will send you an email with a link to some zipped dump files I was finally able to create. Maybe you can use WinDbg to look at the dmp files.
I am not able to install the Soil stat in my laptop. I tried to download the zip and run the application but did not open in my laptop. is there any driver requirement to run this software
It figures. I just tried to see if the card supports OpenGL with GLView and most of the info is grayed out on the summary page, but if I run the test it passes up til 4.0 and then becomes not compatible. So I guess it supported, but not enough to show the summary page.
AGS data is a kind of text data format. A data map file can be created to import AGS data into SoilStats. Please let me know if a new SoilStats template and a data map file are required for your projects.
Dear Mr. Yong
I’m trying to add xlsx data (it contains boreholes info) to a new project in SoilStats but the only way to do that is with a python file. How can i convert xlxs spreadsheet to python?
Kind regards
I was able to use past versions of SoilStats by simply adding my data map to the file and then uploading a gINT file. Now I cannot figure out where load in the data map and when I try and load in a gINT file I get errors. Are you able to assist with this problem? Will you be uploading a tutorial video for the new version?
Hi Karli, you will need a new data map file for the new version. Please let me know if you need a new one and I can create one for you.
I will make a tutorial video or write a basic instruction to show how to use the data map files.
Hi Yong, if the data maps I have been using for the past versions are not compatible, then it would be great if you could create one for me. However, I’m still unsure where to set the data maps in the new version.
Hi Shaloo, now you can directly enter your data in SoilStats. Excel file format was not put in the example folder of V 0.8. Can you explain you case and the reason you need to import your data from excel files?
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance with exporting data from the SPT Estimate dialog. I have attempted to copy and paste the data into Excel or a text file, but so far have been unsuccessful.
Would you be able to provide me with guidance on the proper method for exporting this data? I would greatly appreciate any advice or instructions you could offer.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.
Dear Mr. Yong,
I have borehole values in PDF format, I have summarized them according to depth in excel and also tabulated SPT N values. I was wondering how can I input this information manually?
Hi Abdi, you can take a look the file Soilstats/examples/xlsx data.xlsx and see if you can use the this xlsx file template. By the way, a new version of SoilStats is coming out soon, which will provide the functions for borehole logs, stats, 3D view, and provide more flexibility.
Thank You, Mr. Yong. When I import the sample xlsx file, it says, invalid data map file. please check if a correct data map file was used. This is what I did, open a new file then open then file then xlsx then sample xlsx then I got the error above.
Hi Abdi, you need to set the datamap file for different file format. To set datamap file for the default xlsx file format, please go through the menu Settings->Data Map File->Add/Update->SoilStats examples folder->datamap_soilstats_xlsx_0_2.sdm.
Hi Yong – SoilStats is giving me an error saying the data file map is not correct. I’m using the one in your example folder, do you have any suggestions?
Hi, is it possible to import data from PDF file? and how can i do this work?
No, no function is available to import data from PDF.
i added atterberh limits to try it
then I deleted the results but I keep getting this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 449, in < module»
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType and 'NoneType'
Hi Alwahsh, did you use menu Log->Validate Data or F3? If you still have the error message, you can send the data to me and I will take a look for you.
If you have empty rows, please delete them. Generally those NoneType errors are from missing data.
Hi Yong,
This is really great work, I have had SoilStats installed having had a quick look around, I’m sure this will be really useful for my work. However, recently, after several re-installs, the programme will not open. No error messages, it just does not open. All advice appreciated.
All the best
Hi Jon, do you use the latest version? If you still have this issue with the latest version, we can schedule a quick video call to figure out what’s going on if you don’t mind.
Indeed, if I download SOILSTATS .zip or the installer currently available on the website, and install the programme (after removing any previous versions) the shortcut on the desktop appears, but when I click it, I get a small load wheel, then nothing. A video call would be great if possible.
Thanks for the prompt reply
All the best
I tried installing SoilStats on both an old Surface 1 Tablet and a PC.
1. Surface 1: When I unzip the portable version I receive an error on 4 files. When I double-click on the SoilStats.exe file, I can see it tries to load in the task manager, but won’t open.
Unsupported compression method
2. Surface 1: When I install it from the installer, it installs, but I get the same results of it not opening.
3. PC: I get the same 4 errors when I unzip the portable version, but it runs when I double-click on the exe file.
4. PC: When I install it from the installer, it installs and it runs with no problems so far.
Do you have any idea why it won’t run on the Surface tablet? Could it be the old Intel graphics card that is onboard?
Hi John, if you unzip the downloaded files with 7zip, there should not be errors. Those errors won’t affect the program though.
SoilStats cannot run on Surface 1 because it was compiled for Windows 10/11 with Intel x64 CPU but your surface 1 most probably runs on Windows RT with an ARM CPU.
It must be some other reason. The Surface Pro 1 is running Windows 10 Pro (Version 22H2) 64 bit and has an
Intel Core-i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz w/ 4.00 GB RAM x64 based PC
Your other programs run without any problems.
Interesting. There should be no problem with intel graphics card. Can you run BSTunnelLining and show 3D model on your Surface?
That’s the one I didn’t install. When I used the installer, it installed without any problems. When I started the program, it did the same thing as the SoilStats except it only appeared in the Background processes section of Task Manager and then disappeared. When I get some time tomorrow, I will send you an email with a link to some zipped dump files I was finally able to create. Maybe you can use WinDbg to look at the dmp files.
That means you have problems with 3D OpenGL rendering on your Surface. SoilStats and BSTunnelLining are the only two with 3D rendering.
Hello yong,
I am not able to install the Soil stat in my laptop. I tried to download the zip and run the application but did not open in my laptop. is there any driver requirement to run this software
you need to use 7zip to extract the files.
It figures. I just tried to see if the card supports OpenGL with GLView and most of the info is grayed out on the summary page, but if I run the test it passes up til 4.0 and then becomes not compatible. So I guess it supported, but not enough to show the summary page.
Hi, how can I put AGS into soil stat
AGS data is a kind of text data format. A data map file can be created to import AGS data into SoilStats. Please let me know if a new SoilStats template and a data map file are required for your projects.
Dear Mr. Yong
I’m trying to add xlsx data (it contains boreholes info) to a new project in SoilStats but the only way to do that is with a python file. How can i convert xlxs spreadsheet to python?
Kind regards
Hi Gabriel, you can basically copy and paste your data into SoilStats. You don’t need Python to import your xlsx file.
How can I import the boreholes alongwith soil layers and SPT profile into KMZ
Right now you can directly export the soil layers and other point data to kmz file. But SPT cannot be shown now.
I was able to use past versions of SoilStats by simply adding my data map to the file and then uploading a gINT file. Now I cannot figure out where load in the data map and when I try and load in a gINT file I get errors. Are you able to assist with this problem? Will you be uploading a tutorial video for the new version?
Hi Karli, you will need a new data map file for the new version. Please let me know if you need a new one and I can create one for you.
I will make a tutorial video or write a basic instruction to show how to use the data map files.
Hi Yong, if the data maps I have been using for the past versions are not compatible, then it would be great if you could create one for me. However, I’m still unsure where to set the data maps in the new version.
Hi Karli, don’t worry. I will create a new data map file for you and show you how to set it up.
Thank you so much Yong. I will try and let you know if I face any problem.
Thanks for providing us such wonderful software.
Can I get manual to know how to use the SoilStat?
Shaloo, I will publish a demo video in a few days.
If you open the example file in the SoilStats folder, you should be able to have good idea what it can do and how it works.
I downloaded the soil stat but there is no excel example. How can I get it?
Hi Shaloo, now you can directly enter your data in SoilStats. Excel file format was not put in the example folder of V 0.8. Can you explain you case and the reason you need to import your data from excel files?
Dear Mr. Yong,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance with exporting data from the SPT Estimate dialog. I have attempted to copy and paste the data into Excel or a text file, but so far have been unsuccessful.
Would you be able to provide me with guidance on the proper method for exporting this data? I would greatly appreciate any advice or instructions you could offer.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.
Best regards,
Sorry Santiago, you cannot copy or export the data from the dialog with current version. I will make it available in the next version.
Dear Mr. Yong,
I have borehole values in PDF format, I have summarized them according to depth in excel and also tabulated SPT N values. I was wondering how can I input this information manually?
Hi Abdi, you can take a look the file Soilstats/examples/xlsx data.xlsx and see if you can use the this xlsx file template. By the way, a new version of SoilStats is coming out soon, which will provide the functions for borehole logs, stats, 3D view, and provide more flexibility.
Thank You, Mr. Yong. When I import the sample xlsx file, it says, invalid data map file. please check if a correct data map file was used. This is what I did, open a new file then open then file then xlsx then sample xlsx then I got the error above.
Hi Abdi, you need to set the datamap file for different file format. To set datamap file for the default xlsx file format, please go through the menu Settings->Data Map File->Add/Update->SoilStats examples folder->datamap_soilstats_xlsx_0_2.sdm.
Hi Yong – SoilStats is giving me an error saying the data file map is not correct. I’m using the one in your example folder, do you have any suggestions?
Hi Graeme, the data map file should match the data file you used. What data file did you use?
why i cant view the 3D? when i clicked to view, the apps automatically closed.
can you please forward me your file and let me take a look?